Dell Inspiron 15 5565 5567 disassembly (model P66F)

posted in: 4. Dell | 1
Dell Inspiron 15 5567 laptop disassembly (model P66F).

In this guide I show how to disassemble a Dell Inspiron 15 5565 or 5567 (model P66F) laptop. This guide is only for the laptop base disassembly. Also I will show how to remove the display panel but the LCD screen removal and replacement will be covered in the next article.

It’s possible that you can use these disassembly instructions for some other models in the Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series computer line.


How to replace LCD screen on Dell Inspiron 15 3565 3567

posted in: 4. Dell | 1

In this guide I explain how to remove and replace the LCD screen on a Dell Inspiron 15 3565 or 3567 laptop (model P63F). It’s likely this guide can be used for other models in the Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series computer line.

This guide is only for the display panel disassembly. If you need to take apart the laptop base, check out my guide for Dell Inspiron 15 3565 3567 base disassembly.


Taking apart Dell Inspiron 11 3147 3148 (model P20T)

posted in: 4. Dell | 2
Taking apart Dell Inspiron 11 3147 2-in-1 (model P20T) laptop.

Today I will be taking apart a Dell Inspiron 11 3147 2-in-1 laptop (model P20T). This guide also works for Dell Inspiron 11 3148 and likely some other models in the Dell Inspiron 11 3000 series computer line.

During the disassembly process I found the following Dell Inspiron 11 3147 3148 design highlight worth mentioning upfront:
– The laptop has only one memory slots available for RAM upgrade.
– There is no memory soldered to the motherboard.
– The cooling fan is a part of the heatsink assembly.
– The DC power jack is replaceable but the harness is routed under the motherboard.
– The keyboard is permanently attached to the top case.


How to disassemble Dell XPS 13 9370 9380 (model P82G)

posted in: 4. Dell | 0
How to disassemble Dell XPS 13 9370 model P82G laptop.

In today’s guide I show how to disassemble a Dell XPS 13 9370 9380 (model P82G) laptop.

Dell XPS 13 9370 9380 design highlights:
– All memory soldered to the motherboard. There are no slots available for RAM upgrade.
– The cooling fan assembly can be easily accessed and replaced.
– The wireless card is integrated into the motherboard.
– The headphones jack is a replaceable part.
– The keyboard can be separated from the top case.


SSD and RAM upgrade in Dell Inspiron 15 3558

posted in: 4. Dell | 12
SSD and RAM upgrade in Dell Inspiron 15 3558 laptop.

In this guide I’m taking apart a Dell Inspiron 15 3558 laptop (model P47F) for adding more RAM and upgrading from a regular hard drive to SSD. In order to access the original hard drive and memory slots it’s necessary to remove the laptop base cover and keyboard. There is no service hatch on the bottom in this model.

Dell Inspiron 3558 has one SATA connector for 2.5″ hard drives and two memory slots. You can install up to 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3-1600 memory modules.


Dell Inspiron 17 7778 7779 2-in-1 disassembly

posted in: 4. Dell | 4
Dell Inspiron 17 7778 7779 2-in-1 (model P30E) laptop disassembly.

This guide will walk you through the Dell Inspiron 17 7778 7779 2-in-1 laptop (model P30E) disassembly. This is an easy model to take apart. All internal components are easily accessible under the base cover.

This disassembly guide should fit most of your needs but if you need more detailed instructions, you will find a link to the official Dell Inspiron 17 7779 2-in-1 service manual at the end of this post.


Dell Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 model P84F disassembly

posted in: 4. Dell | 6
Dell Inspiron 7591 2in1 model P84F disassembly.

In this guide I disassemble a Dell Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 (model P84F) laptop. At the time of writing this guide (December 16, 2019), Dell Inspiron 7591 is one of the latest models in the Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 computer line.

This laptop featuring a 10th generation Intel Core processor and supports a PCIe NVMe Gen.3.0 x4 SSD.


Dell Vostro 5391 disassembly model P114G

posted in: 4. Dell | 0
Dell Vostro 5391 model P114G disassembly.

In this guide I will walk you through a Dell Vostro 5391 laptop (model P114G) disassembly. At the time of writing this disassembly tutorial, Dell Vostro 5391 is one of the latest models featuring Intel Core i7 10th Generation processor.

Also, you can use this guide for taking apart a Dell Inspiron 5391 laptop, which is very similar. I’ll make a dedicated guide for that model when I have a chance.
